Carefree Quarter

The recent council meeting was well attended as the level of interest in the Carefree Quarter development is very high. The presentation by the developer’s representative was detailed and answered all questions and concerns presented by the council and citizens alike.

Council members-elect were asked to speak, and Colleen Rose-Scurti made a statement in support of the project that was positive, perceptive, and constructive. Unfortunately, and even though she seemed to be speaking in favor of the development, Diane Roth as usual was very negative: the developer is a low-end retail developer who misleads us about the quality of the development, the Economic Development Director exaggerated the expected revenue per square foot, and the Council was not transparent enough before she moved here. All these statements were unnecessary and unprofessional, especially since all have proved to be false and without merit. She also accused a Carefree resident of lying about an unrelated topic.

At this point I have to ask: is it more likely that all of the people and groups Roth has denigrated have been lying to you, or is it more likely that the source of misinformation is Roth? The facts of her previous involvement in local issues and the financial cost incurred as a result of her participation speak volumes of her character. Most of the staff and other Council members were already aware of this, and I believe her recent statements have placed her in a dreadful light before she’s even sworn in.

After discussion by the Council, the Carefree Quarter Incentive agreement was passed unanimously. Congratulations to our town staff who have worked diligently to get to this point. An exceptional job despite the personal attacks by Roth.
If you didn’t see the council meeting it’s available on YouTube.

Jim Northcutt
Carefree resident