Civil War Roundtable meeting

On Tuesday, September 17, the Scottsdale Civil War Roundtable will host Robert D. Jenkins, Sr. A native of Chamblee, Georgia, Jenkins has been a trial attorney in Dalton, Georgia since 1990. He is president of Save the Dalton Battlefields, LLC, and vice chair of Whitfield County’s Historic Preservation Commission. He is the author of “The Battle of Peach Tree Creek,” and “To the Gates of Atlanta.”

Jenkins will deliver his lecture “The Cassville Affairs and the Failed Confederate Strategy in the Atlanta Campaign”, also the subject of his most recent book. The book and Jenkins’ lecture offers up a new look at this pivotal moment in the decisive struggle for northern Georgia in 1964. Civil War historians have remained baffled over the Cassville controversies for the past 150 plus years.

The Cassville Affairs concerned two critical decisions the Confederate leadership faced at Cassville: whether to attack a portion of the Federal army in the morning, and if not, whether to stay and fight the next day. After a series of unforeseen circumstances, the Southern commander General Joseph E. Johnston withdrew without a fight.

Jenkins’ lecture will begin at 6PM in the Copper Auditorium located on the lower level of the Civic Center branch of the Scottsdale Public Library, 3839 N. Drinkwater Blvd., Scottsdale. Doors will open at 5:00 PM to meet the speaker, browse the book sale, and view Civil War videos. Parking is free at the adjacent covered parking garage.

The public is welcome to attend the monthly meeting of the Scottsdale Civil War Roundtable and to view the website for the list of Fall 2024 through Spring 2025 speakers: