Retain Strong Leadership for Cave Creek

Cave Creek continues to thrive under the strong leadership of Mayor Bob Morris and Vice Mayor Kathyrn Royer. In the past 2 years, significant improvements/progress have been made by the Council and Town staff under their direction:
-Traffic safety and enforcement
-Fire protection and emergency response
-Fiscal accountability and sound economic planning, paying down debt
-Capital improvements in water infrastructure, fire station/equipment, and road maintenance
-Communication to residents and businesses
-Retention of Desert Rural zoning, addressing special planning areas, and preserve open space
-Selection and transition to new Town Manager

No doubt, we continue to have issues that require experienced, ongoing leadership and building consensus on the best next steps for Cave Creek. Yesterday’s solutions are quickly challenged by the next wave of concerns and conflicts. It is also apparent that current leadership is effectively active in outreach to Maricopa County, the AZ Legislature, CAP and external groups that impact our Town functions.

As I speak with residents and business owners, I am impressed with how many have met personally or communicated directly with Mayor Morris and Vice Mayor Royer. Their commitment to Cave Creek and the overall good of the Town is substantial. Let’s keep moving forward. Re-elect Mayor Bob Morris and Vice Mayor Kathyrn Royer. As a candidate for Town Council member, I would be honored to represent you, our residents, and to work with strong leadership for Cave Creek’s future.

Cynthia Driskell
Cave Creek