Thank you to Carefree firemen

On Monday morning, June 26, sparks from an exploding transformer on top of a pole at the corner of Tranquil Trail and Happy Hollow Dr ignited a fire in the desert brush below. As soon as it was reported by a passerby the Rural Metro Carefree Fire Dept was there instantaneously. They arrived with trucks, ambulance and equipment and quickly extinguished the spreading brush fire, preventing it from spreading further through the desert to nearby homes.

The firemen were professional, efficient and hard working. They didn’t leave until all threat of the fire reigniting was over. They were courteous to us onlookers and addressed our concerns. If they had not arrived as quickly as they did the fire would have been farther reaching than it was.

We are very proud of and thankful for the quick response of the Carefree firemen. We know for certain we here in Carefree are safe and secure with our experienced, professional and quick reacting Rural Metro Fire Co here in Carefree.

Marie and Jeff Snyder