Dear Sonoran News Editor,
I am writing to express my support for the Cave Creek town attorney’s first draft of an amendment regulating short-term rentals, and to urge the council to approve it rather than a watered down second version.
As many residents are aware, short-term rentals in residential areas are essentially unregulated hotels. They pose significant health, safety, and welfare risks to permanent residents. They also often have a negative impact on the character of residential neighborhoods, disrupting the peace and quiet that homeowners expect in these areas.
The first draft of the amendment proposed by the town attorney discourages the proliferation of these neighborhood hotels throughout Cave Creek neighborhoods. These regulations, modeled after Fountain Hills and other similar sized communities, would require background checks for sex offenders, insurance business licenses, sales tax permits, notification of neighbors, regular inspections and maintenance, and establish a process for addressing complaints and violations.
However, there is a risk that a watered down second version of the amendment may be approved instead. This version may not include the necessary provisions to protect residents from the negative effects of short-term rentals.
I urge the council to prioritize the health, safety, and welfare of the community and approve the town attorney’s first draft of the amendment regulating short-term rentals. Homeowners in desert rural residential zones do not want these commercial businesses in their neighborhoods, and the council should listen to their concerns.
I encourage all concerned citizens to contact the Cave Creek Mayor and Council to voice their support for the first draft of the amendment, and to help ensure that the right decision is made for the community.
John Hoeppner
Cave Creek