It is a shame to see our small town elections reflect the corrupt and dirty politics of our national elections. This is not who we are in Carefree. I am so disgusted to hear and read the personal attacks and the demeaning articles written against Town residents who put their name forward to run for a position on the Carefree Town council. These are voluntary positions.
All Carefree residents should be encouraged and welcomed to run for Town positions.
Instead, newcomers are undermined and demeaned who are not part of a particular group. Those writing blogs or articles are abusing their position to demean candidates they do not approve of, instead of taking an unbiased position. Their articles should represent all sides so the residents of Carefree will be informed. The residents of Carefree deserve this!
After the election, the candidates that ran are still Carefree residents and neighbors. Treating our fellow neighbors this way is so disappointing. We might not all agree on all the issues and have differing opinions but our behavior to each other should always be honorable!
Town council members should embrace, teach, help and encourage newcomers to run and participate in our town council. All current council members were new themselves at one point and need to remember this.
Let our beautiful Town of Carefree be the example to the rest of AZ for volunteering and running for a government position, instead of reflecting all the negative behavior surrounding us everyday.
This needs to start with our current Town council as they are our representatives that should lead by example.
Concerned resident of our beautiful Town of Carefree.
Debra Shannon