The Will to Survive

Where does your will come from?
For the most part everyone has a will to survive, wouldn’t you agree? The question isn’t whether that your will to survive exists, but at what point might your will to survive give up?

In this article I’m going to get a little personal and speak a lot about my faith and share where my strength comes from. I have trained, studied, and taught weapons and tactics. My entire adult life has been spent employed in a field where defending others has been my sole purpose. Placing my life in danger during public service in defense of my country and my community.

I often think back to specific situations and circumstances that I have been involved in and think, “Wow, I can’t believe I survived that.” You might also have a circumstance that you’ve thought the same. Whether it was a vehicle accident, a dangerous fall or maybe an incident where you had to physically fight for your life. Most of mine occurred during my employment has a public servant in the military and law enforcement.

When I think back on these events I determined that my training and expertise, or my will to survive was not the ultimate protection that allowed me to survive these events.

Every ounce of all knowledge that I have, has been given to me by God. Every ounce of my will that I have to survive has been given to me by God. And I believe that my protection throughout these events and during each circumstance, was provided to me by God.

I go into a dangerous situation knowing that He has allowed me to retain the knowledge needed to be victorious and that He is with me at all times with His wings of protection covering me. “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” Psalms 91:14-16.

As written in Psalms 91:9-13 The Lord is my refuge….. My will to survive, my strength during the battle, my knowledge and expertise needed to be victorious all comes from God.

I’ve struggled through the years in my obedience in doing what God instructs me to do, i.e.: reading the word daily, prayer time and building my relationship with Him.

But looking back at certain times in my life when I was obedient, I found that things in my life went so much smother and easier than when I wasn’t. I knew God was always with me and felt His presence when I was in need.
On one occasion when searching for a dangerous and murderous person, I literally spoke aloud and asked God to deliver this person to me so I could arrest him, and He did. Within moments of me asking I located the person who just murdered a family member, hiding in a back yard of an abandoned house. But God didn’t stop there. While alone with this subject and during the attempted apprehension of him, the firearm that he held and attempted to use on me failed to function, but minutes later worked when he used it on himself.

I was awarded the Silver Star following that incident and was honored for my bravery. That wasn’t my doing, all Glory to the outcome of that day goes to God. I am a Warrior for Christ, used for God’s will. That is where my will to survive comes from. The will to continue as long as I can, doing good that will Glorify God. If God is for me, who can be against me? Romans 8:31

This world we live in has a lot of evil. In many scriptures satan is called the ruler of this world. John 5:19, 2 Corinthians 4:4, John 12:31.

My question to you is this: if satan, a fallen angel, is one who has such power and influence, and the one who rules the world, how can we battle him without God? How can we battle evil without the protection of God?
Footnote: At the time I was writing this article, a shooting (evil) occurred in an elementary school in Texas. It is reported that 19 children and 1 teacher were killed. This is simply evil, nothing short of.


For any questions/comments regarding my article, please email me at
[email protected]
Oz Johnson/Lead Instructor, NRA Certified