Many of us who live in Carefree and the surrounding foothills are here because we love the desert. But preserving the beauty and ecosystem of the desert while accommodating growth is not easy.
As a fellow board member of the Desert Foothills Land Trust, I have shared John Crane’s passion for preserving our desert, worked with him, and experienced his ability to listen to others and respond with thoughtful solutions to complex problems. His skill at working with others and his commitment to pursuing a common cause has been invaluable in moving the mission of the Land Trust forward. Most recently we worked together to update our governing documents, improving the inner workings of the organization.
As Mayor, I am confident that John will bring the same level of dedication, responsiveness, and commitment to the role.
Please join me in supporting John for Mayor of Carefree.
Barbara Glenn
Resident of Carefree
Former Board Member,
Desert Foothills Land Trust