This letter is in regards to the upcoming elections in Cave Creek for the positions of Mayor and Council Members.
After retiring from the Army my wife and I were drawn to this wonderful little town with its great people. However, we instantly had to band with our new neighbors to fight a development that went against the town’s General Plan. What was the most shocking was how we all had to fight Mayor Bunch and Council Members Smith, McGuire, and Clancy. We have in just these two years also supported other neighborhoods battling our town’s officials. The last meeting we attended we witnessed the Mayor and four other Council Members side and vote unanimously with the developer and his six exceptions to the subdivision ordinance, SIX! That means they all approved going against the Subdivision Ordinance and the General Plan six times. A new General Plan that was finally approved just recently by the town’s citizens. Time and time again they ignore 100% citizen opposition at meetings, ignore countless letters, and ignore pages of petitions signed by Cave Creek residents and continue to support growing our town beyond what our town wants or can handle. They will say or do anything to keep their combined power. Keeping the same voices in power will mean that they will continue to push through their personal agendas.
Now Mayor Bunch is running for Council again and Council Member Morris is running for Mayor. Why the seat swap? Also Bunch, Morris, and McGuire alone have a combined 35 years in office in Cave Creek. It’s time to thank them for their service and allow other concerned citizens to serve this wonderful town.
We are supporting Eileen Wright for Mayor and Marsolo, Kincel, Augherton, Eelkema, and Rhoades for Council Members. We are also supporting Royer for reelection because she listens to the citizens of Cave Creek. And remember you don’t have to fill in all six Council Members when voting, just the ones you support.
Thank you for your time,
Mark Boettcher
Retired Army Colonel and proud Cave Creek resident