You’ve been diagnosed with a spinal disc condition, now what?

Dr Leisa

For the last 27 years, the majority of my practice has focused on spinal disc conditions. By now, I’ve seen and treated all kinds, successfully preventing many patients from surgery.

What I find, is that many patients do not really understand what is actually going on with the discs of their spine and aren’t aware of how the condition or conditions happened in the first place. I also find that they are given no choice but to have surgery. Yes, in many cases, surgery works, but I see the failed ones. My main job is to prevent the surgery from happening in the first place. If patients follow all my protocols fully, not “cafeteria style”, I have been able to prevent all but 5 in the last 27 years from having surgery. Keeping appointments, following through with exercises, in many cases, working on losing weight and tightening core muscles, living a non-inflammatory lifestyle, and a few more. It’s my job to teach and support my patients through each of these parts of their care. Of course, no treatment can be promised to get 100% results, but when patients follow the plan I design for them, it generally works.

Have you ever heard of a slipped disc? It’s a misnomer. Discs never “slip”, but they can bulge. Intervertebral disc disorders are referred to as “contained” or “non-contained.” A bulging disc is considered a contained disc disorder.
A bulging disc is actually the tough outer layer of cartilage in between your vertebrae that has not fully broken open – think of squeezing a balloon filled with hair gel. The disc may protrude into the spinal canal without pain or breaking open, instead, a small bubble pops out but remains attached to the disc.

Discs are exactly the right size to fit between your vertebrae so when a disc bulges, it extends outside the space it should normally occupy and can push into nerves in your spinal column.

ulging is considered part of the normal aging process of the disc making bulging discs an extremely common spinal injury. A bulging disc can stay relatively pain free and undetected until you twist the wrong way, lift the wrong object, sneeze, or cough. A bulging disc can cause excruciating pain, lead to a diminished range of motion, and can in some cases cause organ dysfunction. In more severe cases, the disc can herniate or rupture, causing the gel inside to actually come out of the disc.

The good news is that even an acute disc bulge can heal itself over time and your chiropractor can likely help the healing process happen more efficiently.

Here are 3 steps you can follow to ease the pain of a bulging or herniated disc:

  1. Find a chiropractic physician who is certified in Cox Technic. I’m the only doctor in Arizona certified in Cox Technic for 27 years, and the only woman certified in the state. I won’t go into how this technique works, but it is NOT traditional chiropractic. There’s a video under Chiropractic Cox Technic on my website home page. Please see my website address at the end of this article. Cox is one of 3 chiropractic techniques that Mercy Guidelines offers. Mercy Guidelines is the guideline for standards within the chiropractic profession.
  2. Improve your posture. Reduce or eliminate bending, lifting, twisting and even sitting for too long. Sleep on your back with your knees propped up, or on your side with a pillow between your legs. These simple adjustments will ease the stress on the disc in question.
  3. Strengthen your core. Your abdominal muscles and leg muscles all support your back. Modified yoga or Pilates routines that eliminate twisting, stooping or bending can help heal your bulging disc or help to prevent further damage.

Disc conditions are serious, and if treated early, and properly, can allow you to live a long healthy and happy, active life without drugs or surgery.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from a painful disc condition, even if they are booked for surgery, please call my office for a complimentary consultation right away.

For any questions regarding my articles, please email me at [email protected]
Leisa-Marie Grgula, D.C.
Chiropractic Physician
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N Pima Rd. Ste # 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255