Would you take up arms?

With everything that is taking place in Ukraine it raises a lot of questions about if something like that were to happen in our country. First of all, I’d like to make it clear that I know innocent civilians are being injured and killed and that there is truly a battle taking place. Without getting into the politics of the war or the specifics of everything that is viewed on the news, I also believe that this war has many underlying purposes beyond the common narratives that we are persuaded to believe. But, non the less, there is war in that country and many civilians have taken up arms to fight the intruder, Russia.

I’ve spoken a lot in past articles about civil unrest, and self protection against criminals or even suicidal type maniacs who just want to kill. But what if it were even bigger than that. What if another country brought war to our doorstep? Would you take up arms in not only protecting the ones you love, but also defending your neighborhood, community, state, and country?

I’ve always believed that protection from a bigger force works better when you battle it with a force equal or close to in size. If I were to protect my neighborhood from civil unrest I would get with my neighbors or preplanned group in order to do so. That works better than my wife and I sitting barricaded in our home protecting just our property. That’s why I train regularly with a group of friends, and we have a plan to provide such protection as a group instead of individuals.
But what if the enemy were to come at us with a much larger enemy force, like a foreign military. Now our group must also be large in scale. Like every armed citizen in America. Do you think that’s realistic? Or maybe you’re someone who thinks such a threat is unrealistic. Okay, but what if?

The 2021 National Firearms Survey shows that 32% of Americans say they personally own a firearm, roughly 81.4 million. 20 million or more are assault type rifles. That’s quite an army. One of my recent articles spoke about the difference between victim, defender, and hunters. The hunter being the type of person that would actively seek out the threat in order to neutralize it. It takes training and a particular mindset to become a hunter. If we were faced with a scenario, such as a large invasion from a hostile threat, many would have to step into the Hunter category, much like many are doing in Ukraine.

We can not fully depend on our military to do the fighting for us. They will be of course, but the majority of our ground troops will most likely be fighting elsewhere. Not to mention, a certain percentage of our population will take the opportunity to escalate their criminal behavior which in turn will make them the enemy also. It’s unfortunate but that will also happen.

So, are you willing to take up arms? Do you have any weapons? Have you thought about the possibility of this even happening? Or will I be putting in a greater effort defending and protecting you? Or will you stand beside those who would do anything to not lose our neighborhood, community, state, or country to an outside force. I believe that we’ve come to a place in our history where the preparation for survival is necessary. Don’t panic, just prepare. It’s why I carry a firearm, not because I’m worried about what might happen but because I want to be prepared in case I am faced with a threat.

If the scenario I’ve laid out does occur in this country there will be initial massive loss of life. Large scale weapons of war will be used. It will not begin as conventional war. Prepare now to survive that, and also prepare to survive what will come next. Civil unrest like we’ve never seen and ground fighting against the enemy and against those among us who will take what they want and need to survive.

Just remember Romans 8:28, “God works all things together for good.” No matter how bad it gets, there will be good that comes from it. John 15:13, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
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For questions regarding my article, please email me at
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Oz Johnson/Lead Instructor, NRA Certified
602-448-8283 / 602-410-7355