Violation of town code?

Dear Mayor Bunch,
Maricopa County is investigating Cave Creek town official, Steve Lamar, for his failure to obtain required air quality permits for a road building project conducted on two of his properties in March, 2021. The primary property is at 5028 E Desert Hills Dr., which is within the town of Cave Creek, AZ.  A review of records shows that Lamar did not obtain any of the required permits from the town of Cave Creek, as town code requires.  It is also clear that there was no engineering review, survey, or fees paid to the town, as town code requires.
The work conducted was a road building project of more than 10,000 SF, which included culvert installation and fill emplacement within a wash drainage. 

This matter is of significant public interest as Lamar is a Cave Creek town official.  The public has a right to expect that any official within your government behave in a way that is beyond reproach. The public has the right to expect that those in public service understand that they hold a public trust; and must place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws, and ethical principles above private gain.  Members of your administration should act in good faith in fulfilling their obligations, including all financial obligations- this would include paying fees that the town of Cave Creek would be due for the review of a building project along with the appropriate building permit fees.

The Cave Creek web- site informs the public what is required at this link:
And also, what is required for building a roadway:

  1. Do I need a permit to grade a roadway and install a culvert on my property? 
    Yes, any roadway grading can change historical drainage patterns. An Arizona registered civil engineered site plan showing existing and proposed contours in profile is required. The plans need to justify that historical drainage patterns are maintained. Additionally, the engineer needs to provide calculations and a detailed site plan to show the culvert is designed correctly. A building permit is mandatory if a structure such as a culvert is required.
    This significant ethical breach, and clear violation of Cave Creek Town Code, makes Lamar unfit to hold a position within your town government, where he is charged with making decisions that impact the citizens of the community.  How could citizens be expected to have to follow town code, when town officials do not?
    Mayor, how you handle this matter will send a clear message as to what standards you hold for town officials, and employees.

Dan Johnson