History in print …continued – 25th Anniversary retrospective on saving Spur Cross Ranch
What does it take to unite all members of council and P&Z?
The headline from the August 7, 1996 issue of Sonoran News reflects the mood of the Town of Cave Creek, as it united to defeat the planned development at Spur Cross Ranch.
What was it about the development that ignited the effort? This description of the proposed project appears in the article by Grant Smith:
“The master plan covers 2,154 acres north of town. It includes the golf course, a 100-room resort, 664 dwelling units and a three-acre commercial area.”
Dennis Zwagermann, a planning consultant, recommended to Cave Creek Planning and Zoning Commission that the development master plan be denied due to “significant negative impacts on the town.”
What were the specific issues of concern? — Access, Traffic, Road improvements, Waste water treatment, Environmental impact, Archeological preservation, Open spaces, Existing trails, Steep slopes and washes, Police and fire protection
Zwagermann estimated there might be as many as 12,000 (yes, twelve thousand) cars on Spur Cross Road at the intersection with Cave Creek Road, which would require Spur Cross Road to be four lanes!
In the article by Sue Crouse, then Mayor Bernard Buffenstein said, “For once, I think we have an issue that has united the whole town and we’ve done the impossible — united the whole council.”
The Cave Creek Town Council formally approved the recommendations from Cave Creek Planning and Zoning Commission to deny the Spur Cross development master plan.
The fight was on!
In the next segment on the effort to save Spur Cross, you will meet the founders and members of Friends of Spur Cross Coalition. Stay tuned!