Apparently, not PetSuites for the time being, as the project was unanimously voted down at the Monday, Nov. 16 regular meeting of the Cave Creek Town Council. At the heart of the matter was concern over the noise of 25 dogs barking so close to a residential area. There were also concerns over parking, traffic and ingress/egress. PetSuites does have the option to resubmit while addressing those issues.
In other business:
- Unanimously passed: “authorizing the Mayor to sign an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Town of Cave Creek and the City of Scottsdale for Deputy Fire Chief Services in connection with analyzing Town Fire Service Options..”
The person selected was Jim Ford, described for his credentials and familiarity with this area. The cost was stated at just over $170,000 for a year, with an option. - A Galloway Crossing, 32-unit project was approved , subject to conditions.
- 3 inter-related items on the agenda were approved:
Approve a Contract with Willdan Financial Services to Perform a Utility Rate Structure Modification Study for a Cost not to exceed $25,400.
Approve a Contract with Willdan Financial Services to perform a Capacity Fee Anaylsis and Update for a Cost not to Exceed $56,600
Approve a Contract with Willdan Financial Services to perform a Cave Creek Water, Desert Hills Water and Wastewater Financial Plan Update Study for a Cost not to Exceed $25,400.
At the outset of the public meeting, it was announced that Susan Clancy would be leaving her position on the council and that Ron Silva had agreed to fill that seat in the interim.