Spin That Water

About a year ago, my wife and I moved from Cave Creek to Carefree in a major ‘downsizing’ adventure because we could not find a smaller place that we liked in Cave Creek and we love the area. Since then, I have been amused by the Carefree City Fathers and their would-be water experts continually telling us how great Carefree water is and how nasty Cave Creek water is and when the cost goes out of sight it will certainly be in our best interest. Well, I can tell you that in Carefree I now get a very stubborn water line ring in the toilets every week or so that doesn’t even blink when you attack it with the old routine toilet brush – and in my 20 years in Cave Creek using that nasty Cave Creek water, that never happened. I can’t wait to hear the spin that Carefree puts on their already egregious sewer rates when they skyrocket as predicted.

Bob Williams
