Cave Creek Rodeo Days Parade

Date: March 21, 2020
Time: 9:00 AM
Kicking off rodeo week festivities will be the traditional Cave Creek Rodeo Days Parade, Sponsored by Wells Fargo, on Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.   Horseback riders, draft hitches, floats, unique automobiles, rodeo royalty, clubs, organizations, bands, trick riders, clowns and more have added a distinctively fun time and western flavor as the colorful entourage makes its way along Cave Creek Road.
There are several announcing locations along the parade route:  1st location is at Local Johnny’s, 2nd location is at Big Earl’s, 3rd location is at the Prickly Pear, 4th location is at Kiwanis Market Place, 5th location is at Outlaws, 6th location is at the Buffalo Chip and the 7th location is at Harold’s Corral. 
Come enjoy the day in Cave Creek and help us kick off rodeo week.
 You are invited to participate:
Application Fee:
·        Commercial:  $100 per entry
·        Non-Commercial:  $50 per entry
·        PRCA Royalty – Comp’d
·        Sponsorship Entry
Parade Entries will not be accepted after March 15, 2020!
For more information, please contact:  Parade Chairperson – Email:
Awards will be presented for the winning entry in the following categories:  Horse Drawn, Mounted Riders, Motorized, Walking Group, Musical, Youth, Commercial, Royalty/Best Costume and Patriotic.
“I look forward to your participation in this wonderful event!” – Kristin Lewis, Parade Chairman