We are in a monumental economic transition that will phase out thousands of jobs in the US within a decade. It’s not a scary Hollywood sci-fi film or an HG Wells plot, it’s a real and imminent reality that artificial intelligence and automation will replace workers in many divisions of the US job market.
This is something that is already happening. Truckers and other transportation industry workers are being threatened with the introduction of self-driving vehicles. Retail workers are being supplanted with automated kiosks. Robotic processes can automate repetitive computer tasks like data entry and web research, in hundreds of industries. If you look at how far technology rapidly grew within the last decade, and extrapolate that into a projection of the next, the job landscape looks extremely bleak.
The worst part of it? No presidential candidate for the 2020 election is talking about these issues. No one, other than Andrew Yang. An entrepreneur and founder of Venture for America, a nonprofit that focuses on creating jobs in struggling American cities, he is the only candidate that is dialed in on the issue of automation and artificial intelligence, with solutions for our country as this fourth industrial revolution moves forward.
If you care less about the reality TV show that is politics and more about your community and the economic prison that the US economy could be in if these issues aren’t addressed, I urge you to Google “Andrew Yang” and together we can move forward.
Thank you,
Amanda Vivilacqua