Allegations of impropriety have been cast toward Carefree Planning and Zoning Commissioner Lyn Hitchon. CEV Holdings, LLC, in a letter to Carefree Planning Director Stacey Bridge-Denzak, blamed Hitchon for the withdrawal of its application for a proposed project on Cave Creek Road.
The letter read in part, “In light of the current circumstances and the information we have obtained regarding the negative and false statements that Commissioner Lynn Hitchon’s (sic) has been communicating to the general public and residents about the Enclave at Carefree, we feel that do (sic) process has been altered and has prevented us from obtaining a fair presentation of our proposed project to the Town and the Town council.”
A representative of the developer provided Sonoran News with an email written by Hitchon describing what took place at a community meeting on April 14. The email is filled with opinions by her about the meeting and called it a “waste of time.” In another part of the email she writes, “I am begging you to hold these guys’ feet to the fire and deny the GP and zoning amendments.” It ends with, “Thanks for taking the time to read my opinion.” Acknowledging that she is not stating facts, just her opinion.
Also a request has been filed with the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office to investigate possible election interference through her blog “Carefree Truth” In the June 18th edition she writes in regards to a large number of Carefree businesses displaying Mike Farrar campaign signs, “The businesses that are allowing these signs to be posted on the windows of their stores at this time are also in violation of this Statute.” The statute she referred to is for signs on public right of way and does not apply to private property. She also added personal opinion that businesses should not put up the election signs saying she thought they were bad for business.