AGITPROP in Arizona!

To: The Editor, The Arizona Republic

I do not subscribe to your newspaper for obvious reasons:. I grew up in Europe and South America, from 1937 until 1953, and witnessed how the servile, fawning press supports left-wing programs. Whether spouted by Germany’s Joseph Goebbels or Juan Domingo Peron’s propaganda machine (not to mention Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Obama, Chavez, the Kims,  the USSR’s apparatchiki in Pravda et al.) the civilian disarmament screed is obvious.

 The Republic’s Viewpoints section  this morning was devoted to the “evils” of guns: E.J. Montini’s attack on gun owners and letters condemning inanimate devices. Are you aware that inanimate objects like swimming pools, motor vehicles, cellphones, bathtubs and inhaled food kill many more people than guns?  I know: in the spirit of “fairness,” the Republic occasionally prints a mild pro-Second Amendment letter as a pacifier to Constitutionalists…but the ratio of anti-gun to pro-gun opinion in our newspaper is roughly 50:1. The old Soviet AGITPROP machine (Committee for Agitation and Propaganda) cannot hold a candle to the Republic.

Why do I read online what I have renamed The Arizona People’s Democratic Republic? Know thine enemy! It was good for Sun Tzu, and it is good enough for me.

P.S.: I fully expect you to (as usual) spike this letter, which is being transmitted to my BCC correspondents, including the NRA

J-P. A. Maldonado