This Special Edition is being sent for a few reasons. First, and foremost, I wish to extend my sincere wishes, to you and all those you hold dear, for a very Happy Thanksgiving. Despite all the turmoil and senseless carnage here at home, or abroad, we are blessed to live in the Greatest Country in history. Prayers go out to the friends and families affected by war, terror, or natural disasters, anywhere in the world, but especially here at home in the United States. We have much to be thankful for.
Next, on a more distressing note, I believe that something must be done to address the complete SNAFU at the ‘new’ USPS facility in Carefree. I’ve lived in Carefree for over 17 years and have never had an issue with FedEx or UPS deliveries – until this past October. The ‘improved’ USPS service and renovations ($350K+) have created chaos. The solution, I’ve been told, by numerous sources including COINS, is to specify the 100 Easy Street building (with PO Box #) as the delivery address for all of my packages! Why, in God’s name, would I want the 99.9 % of the packages that previously went directly to my front door, now be delivered to the Post Office building several miles away?
This is not the rant of a lone wolf – many, many others have experienced the ‘returned to sender’ debacle. If something is not done to straighten out this mess soon, the Christmas shipping season will seem like Armageddon! The disadvantage of praising something before it begins operations, or serving the public, is now evident.
John Traynor