Graham-Cassidy could be worst health care bill yet!

Dear Sonoran News,

I am very disappointed and opposed to the proposed Graham-Cassidy

health care bill. Many health organizations and providers are also

outspoken and against it. We should be looking at universal health care

as a right not a privilege to Americans and end this non sense. Perhaps

some extensive evaluations of countries such as Switzerland could

provide a good starting point. We need experts not politicians working

on improvements to provide more for less and protect those with pre

existing conditions. The words of Senator John McCain say it best.”I

cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal. I

believe we could do better working together, Republicans and Democrats,

and have not yet really tried,” McCain said in a statement.

“Nor could I support it without knowing how much it will cost, how

it will affect insurance premiums, and how many people will be helped

or hurt by it.”


Frank Masi
