“Soroptimist”: Latin for “Best for Women”


May 12, 2017 marked the 44th Anniversary of Soroptimist International of Saguaro Foothills. Forty-four years and going strong.

“During 2016 and 2017 we were very pleased to install 12 new members. Our club is celebrating new and long term members for their contributions to the communities of Carefree, Cave Creek, Anthem and Black Canyon. Soroptimist International of Saguaro Foothills has many members who have been a Soroptimist for 15-30 years or more. Soroptimist are women at their best working to help other women be their best. We believe in dreams and the collective power of working together to achieve them.”

“Our sincere “Thanks” to Carefree Kiwanis for their generous donation to our club at their recent luncheon. Kiwanis’s contribution and partnership in the “Off to a Good Start” program provides backpacks filled with school supplies to children in the area. Their generous contribution also helps provide much needed new shoes, socks and clothing to Bobcat Closet, located at Black Mountain Elementary School. Bobcat Closet is the brainstorm of Principal Matt Owsley. Thank you Principal Owsley for allowing this Soroptimist Club partner in this great program.”