Let’s get ready for a wildfire season that is now year-round

It doesn’t seem that long ago that a normal ‘winter season’ and ‘spring season’ meant more rain, and we didn’t need to worry as much about wildfires until after our typical hot summer. With our state’s prolonged drought, there is no longer a wildfire season. Wildfire season is year-round.

According to www.azwater.gov, the Phoenix area experienced the hottest year on record, and most of the state received below-average precipitation.

These conditions do not bode well for our desert communities, so we all need to prepare if a wildfire occurs in or near our community. The Town encourages all property owners to create a defensible space around homes and buildings to help prevent fire from reaching structures. Green-waste drop-off days are scheduled on Saturday, March 15, and April 19, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Water Ranch to help you with your cleanup efforts.

Due to our area’s wildfire dangers, the Town is hosting informative public meetings to discuss our community’s preparedness for wildfires. The Town’s Community’s Risk Management Director, Jim Ford, leadership from Daisy Mountain Fire District, and representatives from Tonto National Forest will present important information about what to expect and how to prepare for wildfires. The first meeting is Thursday, March 13, at 3:30 p.m. at the 37402 N. Cave Creek Road fire station. The second meeting is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 9, at the Desert Foothills Library. These meetings will share with residents how the community has the firefighting resources and regional partnerships to attack a wildfire to help protect property and life in the event a wildfire should occur. Residents are encouraged to attend to learn about the Town’s preparedness and what actions a homeowner can take to protect their property.

The Town uses a CodeRed app to help keep residents informed in an emergency, such as a wildfire or flood. In the event of a fire or flood, the CodeRed emergency telephone notification service will alert those registered with a recorded message about the emergency and what actions you should take to ensure your safety. You will find more information and registration for CodeRed at www.cavecreekaz.gov/codered. If you registered with our CodeRed system, now is the time to ensure your information is current.

We’ve already seen what wildfire can do in our community, going back to the 2020 fires. Last month, we had a fire on the state trust land, which caused concern for many. Wildfires will happen, but with awareness and preparedness, our community will be ready.

Bob Morris
Mayor, Cave Creek