Judy Bruce
I hope you found the Incomplete Figures test from the last column fun. How do we grade these drawings? Since this is an exercise in creativity, there is no right or wrong, just the most unexpected. My classes would exchange papers and hold up hands for each response. It was immediately apparent whether the responses were unexpected or not. For instance, in figure #1 (the inverted V) we might see thirteen or more responses for mountains, five or more for houses. The kids immediately saw that creating a drawing that no one else would think of was difficult and that their first thought might not be unusual, nor their second. They had to push to the third or even fourth response to get something “unique.” On the second try, we always got more exciting, divergent creations! Maybe you can, too! The brain can be exercised just like our muscles.
Try these new exercises:
1. The Old Mother Hubbard problem! When she went to the cupboard to get her dog a bone and it was empty, what can she do? The more ideas, the better!
2. The Cow Jumping problem! What are all of the possible things that might happen when the cow jumped? The more ideas, the better!
3. Unusual Uses Task! Think of the cleverest, most interesting, and unusual use of a ball, other than as a plaything. It could be for the ball as is or for the ball as changed, great for problem solving.
4. How many ways can you use a common household brick? I once had a student come up with 129 ways! Try it! It is fun, and there is no time limit.
This can be done in groups, too! Torrence added tin cans and strings to this test, and you can too! My kids loved this and found that practicing enhanced their fluency.

For elaboration, you can go back to the Incomplete Figures test and see if you added details, any extra addition shows your ability to elaborate. Pacchioti, a researcher in psychology, states that there is nothing more mysterious or human than the creative impulse. In all fields of endeavor, music, art, science, business, writing, and creativity are what accounts for the inspired burst, the spark that flits a flame and lights the way to something entirely new (original). Yes, our lives would be enhanced if we were more creative!
In the next columns, I will explore the concepts of curiosity, flow, and right and left-brained thinking. In the meantime, visit the Arizona Art Alliance’s exhibition “Play” at the Desert Foothills Gallery, or go to the League Gallery in Carefree to enjoy the creativity displayed by our local artists. You can even sign up for one of our new exciting classes at the Studio in Stagecoach Village because “You Gotta Have Art!”