Cave Creek to participate in Keep America Beautiful campaign

Keep American Beautiful (KAB) is a national nonprofit organization with the sole purpose of inspiring and educating volunteers to take action to keep communities clean. Currently, there are approximately 700 KAB community affiliates nationwide. At the Town Council meeting on Monday, Jan. 6, Mayor Robert Morris read a proclamation announcing that Cave Creek is supporting the Greatest American Cleanup campaign. The campaign by KAB seeks 25,000 communities across the USA to commit to being clean for America’s 250th Birthday celebration on July 4, 2026.

Local volunteers Thomas Secor and Bobby Herbeck encouraged the Town to participate and will lead the organizing efforts of the Cleanup campaign. As a participant in this national campaign, the Town is committing to supporting annual community events.

Organize THREE new community cleanups to remove litter from streets and public spaces;

Host TWO reduce, reuse, recycle, or beautification events each year;

Hold ONE event to celebrate the progress and achievements of the campaign.

There is no cost to the Town to participate in this event with Keep America Beautiful. Dates for the community activities have not been determined. To learn more about Keep American Beautiful and the Greatest American Cleanup campaign, go to