In my last article, I gave my 7 tips on how to keep weight off over the holidays. Many emails came in asking me for more information on weight loss, as we’re coming into the new year. So many people make their resolutions, and the number one is, of course, losing weight or working out more. As we all know, it’s usually the case that people generally lose interest and forget why they set the goal by the second or third month into the new year. I really like to coach and encourage my patients to set realistic goals, and work toward getting healthier as a result. Not making unhealthy choices to lose weight, such as dangerous injections that may cause long term irreversible side-effects. Even if you’re the person who sets weight and health goals and keeps them, this could help you too. I’ll give some facts about what happens if the weight falls off too fast without the right food and supplementation so you do not lose muscle mass as well as fat. Another common mistake is to start right on January 1, and you haven’t planned ahead. This lack of planning sets many up for failure.
Stress and weight gain
Stress plays a major role in weight gain. Going into a weight loss plan without working on ways to manage your stress, causes additional issues that hinder weight loss. Cortisol is a stress hormone, and if your levels are too high, it will cause you to lose less weight, and you may become frustrated pretty quickly. In the weight loss program in my office, we try to address this, so you have the best chance at reaching your goals. A big stressor is to try and follow a new food program or protocol, while working out or even starting a new exercise regime. This can really cause a lot of frustration, as you are trying to build muscle while losing fat. This is also a lot of new things to think about. In the 12 step programs, they recommend quitting 1 addiction at a time. This allows you to focus on that one only, therefore giving you the best chance at being successful. Even if it’s the same exercise you’ve been doing, it may be more difficult to do while reducing your caloric intake. Please focus on one thing at a time. Either increase exercise or reduce calories.
Clean out your pantry
Start cleaning out sweets and treats from your pantry. I recommend setting a day this will be done, and stick to it. You can give things away, or freeze them for a later time in the year. Vacuum seal units are great for this, as it’s harder to “break into” the sealed package to cheat. I encourage my weight loss patients to start this before they start out weight loss program. If you will start on January 2nd, then this needs to be done before the 1st. Don’t have things that will tempt you out in the open while coming off the sugar load of the holidays.
Read every food label
Start reading labels on all foods. Almost every day, I work with patients who swear there are no seed oils, sugar, or other inflammatory ingredients in their favorite “ health foods”. Once I show them the ingredient list, they are suddenly shocked that these foods they’ve been eating for years has such ingredients. In some cases, the same product you’ve been buying for years, may now have different ingredients that are unhealthy and inflammatory.
Inflammation is bad for us, as we know, but it also will cause different cravings and chemical changes that can cause you to fall off track. Another frustrating step that can cause you to give up on your goal.
Write down why you want to lose weight
Write down your goals somewhere where you can see them daily. I recommend large easel size Post-It Notes that you can stick on a wall in your home, even in the kitchen, so you see it where you’re eating. They’re available on Amazon and are very easy to move around to other areas as needed. Your goals can be forgotten quickly, so be mindful of them throughout every day of your new regime. Your goals can be easily adapted to what works better as you figure it out also.
If you or anyone you know wants to lose weight, and keep it off the right way, please call my office for a complimentary consultation. We are offering special pricing for the NEW YEAR right now!
We also host regular lectures on weight loss. Just call to have you placed on our VIP invitation list.
For questions on any of my articles, please email me at [email protected].
Leisa-Marie Grgula, D.C.
Chiropractic Physician
Accurate Care Medical Wellness Center
18261 N. Pima Rd. Ste. # 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255