How to effectively deal with an adult bully

We probably have all helped children deal with a schoolyard bully. But how should adults handle someone that routinely harasses, name calls, or intimidates?  I found this in the Psychology Today Journal and thought I would share it.

  1. Don’t respond aggressively or passively. Be calm and assertive. Tell the bully to stop.
  2. Seek support from the community.  Most likely others think their behavior is unacceptable but are afraid to say anything for fear they will be the next target.  We can’t be afraid to speak up when we see someone being intimidated or harassed.
  3. If all else fails, seek local law enforcements help.  Computerized communications that attempt to intimidate and harass another person is a misdemeanor. In the state of Arizona, cyberbullying is punishable by a maximum 6 month jail term, a fine of $2500, or both. And if there is proof of intentional infliction of emotional distress, a civil lawsuit is an option.

Stephanie Barbour
Carefree Resident