On Thursday, Oct. 31, Cave Creek residents, Cave Creek Museum Board of Directors, Desert Awareness Committee, and Cave Creek Town Council members honored Desert Awareness Park as the latest recognized Cave Creek Local Landmark.
The Local Landmark program designates iconic buildings and spaces within Cave Creek with a bronze plaque award where the public can access an interactive storytelling map by scanning a QR code on their phones. The map highlights destinations across Cave Creek for the public to explore virtually, physically, and throughout time— through the storytelling of Cave Creek’s pioneers, their descendants, its residents, and guests.
The Town of Cave Creek launched Cave Creek Local Landmarks in 2020 to celebrate locations and unique destinations in Cave Creek. Recommendations for Landmark destinations are submitted by the public and voted on by the Town Council. The Town has recognized 20 locations to date, which include The Cave Creek Inn, now Oreganos; Carpenters Trading Post, now Coyote Creek; Dairy Queen, the Town Core’s only drive-thru fast food; Big Earl’s Greasy Eats, formerly an art-deco gas station; Harold’s Cave Creek Corral and Hannah’s Chocolate House, now The Hideaway; American Legion Post #34, El Encanto, Desert Foothills Library, Horny Toad, Indian Village, Buffalo Chip, and Le Sans Souci. Upcoming Landmark plaque designation events include Black Mountain Summit on Nov. 21, Cave Creek Regional Park, Cave Creek Rodeo Grounds, and Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area.

Attached photos: Lynn Walsh of the Desert Awareness Committee accepted the bronze Cave Creek Local Landmark plaque at the dedication ceremony for Desert Awareness Park’s Landmark designation. Also pictured with Walsh are, l-r, Cave Creek Mayor Robert Morris, Cave Creek Development Services Director Luke Kautzman, and Cave Creek Museum Board Member Colin “Buck” Columna.