Upscale Singers’ 20-year anniversary is a celebration for the members of Scottsdale’s premier adult choir, but it also marks what has become a joyful annual reminder for its audiences.
“Many have said that their holiday season doesn’t feel like it has started until they attend our concert each year, and that is very meaningful,” director Margaret Miner said. “We are proud to bring joy to the community.”
The steady growth of the choir and its audience support over the years is just one more reason why “’Tis the 20th Season: Celebrating a Merry Milestone” is certain to be extra special. The group will perform at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, and 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, at the Cactus Shadows Fine Arts Center, 33606 N. 60th St., Scottsdale. Tickets ($25 for adults, $10 for youths 18 and under) can be purchased at
The selection of songs and carols is designed to match the occasion. Miner chose some of the singers’ favorite pieces, some of which haven’t been performed in 15 years, but also included some interesting new arrangements.

“The music will touch hearts and bring smiles to faces,” she said. “The pacing of the show is wonderful. There are lighthearted moments followed by beautiful choruses intermixed with a touch of jazz, gospel, pop and many incredibly beautiful carol arrangements.
“One of my favorites is a new arrangement of ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’ by Timothy Kile that quickly became everyone’s favorite. It is so creative and hauntingly beautiful. We have many other songs just as interesting and lovely.”
Even the instrumentation will be special. In addition to saxophone and flute accompaniments, a cello has been added this year. “This will add such a different texture and so much beauty to many of the pieces,” Miner said.
She also is excited about the Upscale Kids’ music, especially “It Feels Like Christmas” from “The Muppet Christmas Carol” and “Zat You Santa Claus?” She believes the latter song will wow the audience with the Kids’ singing and acting skills.
Not only has the impact of Upscale Singers performances grown on audiences; the size of the group has grown, too. Having a larger venue also has made a noticeable difference.
“The larger group has allowed us to pick music that calls for a bigger sound, and we can spread out more and fill up the stage,” Miner said. “It adds more excitement.
“We love performing at the Cactus Shadows Fine Arts Center. Its stage is so large and wonderful, and our direction team has so much fun thinking of new ways to use the space. It’s so nice to not be tied down to standing in one place all the time, and no one ever hides behind a music folder at our concerts – the music is memorized. This truly is a holiday ‘show’ featuring a fantastic group of singers.”
Once again, the holiday season – Upscale Singers style – will officially begin on Dec. 7 and 8. It’s a feeling two decades in the making.