General Plan

A General Plan is supposed to represent input by residents of what they expect their town to become. It is a citizen-driven plan. It is a We the People vision statement!

Carefree encouraged resident feedback to the General Plan; they praised the significant level of participation; and then they gave the proverbial middle finger to several hundred engaged residents and voted 7-0 to ignore the results (most notably the wish of residents to remove the Special Planning Area designation from the NW corner of Tom Darlington and Carefree Hwy). Why? The Carefree Town Council is catering to special interest groups instead of its residents.

How can anyone trust the Town Council that misled residents on the “boutique” dark sky killing Hampton Inn? How can anyone trust the Town Council that approved an unnecessary $30M water project without putting it to a vote? How can anyone trust the Town Council that orchestrated a failed property tax campaign built upon a foundation of fear? How can anyone trust the Town Council that rashly voted 7-0 to keep the SPA in the General Plan in order to prevent the newly-elected council members from having a say?

The only way We the People will have input on the increased traffic, increased noise, increased light pollution, and increased burden on our limited water supply is to vote NO on Proposition 493 so that the newly elected Town Council members can represent the wishes of the residents and not special interest.

Mike Davitt