Relying on something that will never let you down

Some of my articles are written after corresponding with my readers, via email, following the release of a column. Today’s article also comes after corresponding with a reader after the printing of my article titled “Imagine the Unimaginable.”

I write a lot about situational awareness, firearms, tactics, and many other things having to do with personal security and safety. These things are very important and need to be studied, practiced, and set into your everyday lifestyle, mostly in the world we live in.

Today’s title, “What’s your ultimate protection,” could lead the reader to think of things like certain types of firearms, ballistic protection, non-lethal devices or always having a heightened level of situational awareness or mindset. None of these things are my ultimate protection.

I’ve been involved in many critical incidents while serving in the military and as a police officer. I’ve needed my ultimate protection on several occasions, and it’s always come through for me. Yes, I’m talking about God.

If you are not a believer, continuing reading because my story might reflect something that’s happened to you. You might realize that someone was looking out for you also.

I’ve always believed in God, and I’ve always felt that He had a large part in making me who I am today. Now, by no means am I saying that I’m an angel. Can’t be, I’m born of flesh so it’s impossible. What I do mean is my knowledge of firearms, tactics and self-defense was a gift and it was given to me for a purpose. To help install knowledge that might help someone protect themselves or others.

With that said, I know that without His protection, I’m doing it all on my own, and that never seems to work out for me. I’ve been involved in critical life-threatening situations where on the on-set of the incident I’ve asked specific things of God. For example, I’ve asked please Lord let me find this guy. Referring to a suspect who just murdered his sister and had fled on foot.

I responded to the scene from quite a distance and upon arrival I took up a perimeter position far from the actual scene of the crime. Shortly after arriving God did just what I asked. Alone, I located the suspect.

At one point during contact with the suspect, who was armed with a long gun, the gun was raised and pointed at me. The circumstances that occurred did not allow me an opportunity to fire my handgun at the suspect, but I distinctly remember a sound, which sounded like the suspect squeezed the trigger.

The gun did not fire.

The suspect fled on foot, and I gave chase down an alley while he was still armed. We came to a point where other officers arrived, and the suspect was cornered, and he took his own life. With the same firearm that I believed misfired just moments before.

This incident occurred years before I was assigned to SWAT and before I received advanced training on tactics and firearms. I was still well trained due to military training, but I don’t recall one thing that I did that day based on training that helped me survive that incident. Luck? No, God was with me, and he not only answered my request that I made at the beginning of the incident, but He remained with me covering me with His protection.

Firearms are great, even Archangels have weapons, but on that day my Ultimate Protector was better than any firearm. He was with me just like He has been during many other situations.

So, if you follow my column, know that whatever I write about, the words are not to persuade you of my great knowledge in the field. It’s to impress on you that with God you can do whatever it is that you set your mind to, and that along the way you also will have the best protection offered to man.
If you would like the USCCA guide to “7 Steps to Highly Effective Situational Awareness” give us a call or send us an email.


Oz Johnson/Lead Instructor, NRA Certified
Karin Johnson/Operations Manager
[email protected]