In response

Councilman D’Aliesio says he wants “what is best for our residents.” Is that The View condos in the Town Center? The Hampton Inn and Suites? The failed property tax proposal? The water project is for 20% of the population, yet the other 80% get to pay for it, with no say.

He supports the SPA in the General Plan for the northwest corner of Tom Darlington and Carefree Highway. Over 80% of the residents who participated in the General Plan over a 19-month period, do NOT want that in the GP.

At the April 5, 2022, council meeting, I made a public statement. Councilman D’Aliesio’s comments to me were, as I wrote in a Code of Contact complaint email, “disrespectful, belligerent and impertinent.” He again, at the last council meeting, June 4, 2024, was rude and disrespectful to a female resident making a public comment.

There was also no response to my complaint in 2022 from Councilman D’Aliesio or the former Mayor Les Peterson. I guess the Resolution 2016-02, Code of Conduct was just for show.

The residents of Carefree have a real chance to make a change to the town council in July. Councilman D’Aliesio, one of the candidates at the candidate forum on 6-19-2024, made a statement to the effect of “if there is a person on the council who does not want to do what most residents want, they should step down”. I agree.

There are two great candidates, both of whom have a background that will be an asset to the town: Lon Johnson and Diane Roth. They have both shown they know and care about what the majority wants and will be an asset to the town council working to ensure that.

The old guard needs to change.

Make Carefree, Carefree again,

John Mattes