
The Town has now clarified that the Evacuations Route is only an alternate route in case both Schoolhouse and Spurcross are closed. What are the actual chances that both roads would be closed, except for a flood in which case the Evacuation Route would be closed. At this point, it has been built and the money spent so that is a moot point. However, for something unlikely to be required or used, do we need all of the signs to remain forever. The Town apparently thinks Creekers don’t read signs since they typically put up 2 or 3 signs where 1 (or none) would be sufficient. Do we really need 2 signs on Fleming Springs (both directions) to tell us there is an Evacuation Route no one is likely to ever use. And do we now need 6 stops signs on the Fleming Springs intersection to tell us it’s a 4 way stop. Seems like we were able to stop with only 4 signs all of these years.

Al Zeman
Cave Creek