Refreshing Carefree Town Council candidates

We are blessed with three outstanding candidates that will bring experience and leadership to the Town Council (TC)—Colleen Rose-Scurti, Lon Johnson and Diane Roth. These candidates have attended countless P&Z, Econ. Dev. and Budget TC meetings. They all wish to protect our small town by helping our businesses be successful, keep neighborhoods safe and the Town fiscally responsible.

Colleen comes from corporate real estate leadership. She researches thoroughly all the underlying documents to understand issues as fully as possible. These candidates have taken the time to meet with Town officials, staff and even residents so they can make decisions based on how the “majority of residents” they would be representing feel. Lon brings a marketing & sales and collaborative mergers & acquisitions background to the table. Diane brings an in-depth high-end retail sales perspective—all in leadership positions within their respective companies.

Since the thrust by TC for a property tax using the Fire Dept. as a shield, the candidates understand that TC and residents have become divisive. They understand that issue needs to be remedied to go forward with the best solutions for the town. Reiterating a quote by Colleen, “We are a small, charming town that should not be fighting, but celebrating together”.

Currently the upcoming General Plan includes a 68-page sticking point called the Special Planning Agreement (SPA). The SPA is meant to protect the wash and the town residents. I think perhaps some residents forget this is privately-owned property—it is NOT owned by the Town and I applaud the property owner’s understanding and willingness to work with the residents and the Town officials.

I believe Colleen, Lon and Diane will bring an independent business viewpoint to the Carefree TC, help to heal wounds, and facilitate a refreshing new direction.

Melissa Price