Joe Freedman: Why I am running for Cave Creek Town Council

When I was at ASU in the early 1980’s studying Political Science (1985 B.S.) and I first became an intern for a first term U.S. Congressman in District One, I learned that there is nothing more noble than to give back to your community to serve the best interests for the majority of people regardless of political motivation. It’s better to give back than to take. I consider myself a grassroots candidate that is not controlled by anyone or any group’s individual interests. I have wanted to run and give back for the last 40 years, and now I feel is the best time in my life (my window) where I can give 100% of my dedicated time since I am now retired to help guide and improve Cave Creek into the future.

Joe Freedman Platform for Town Council:

Manage Growth, Development & (protect) Property Rights

by adhering to our general town plan and ordinances. This includes supporting existing businesses, events, town culture including the arts and our museum, future homes being built by working with builders/developers, as well working with the town staff and council to ensure we have adequate water as we grow and also sources for water should an emergency occur. We also need to make sure our streets are maintained and as the town grows and we bring in more tourists and events, and we need to solve the current lack of realistic parking (this is a problem).

Finances, taxes, and fire protection

Make sure we are continuing on the path to becoming debt free (right now the town is about 20 million in the hole), working to make sure we continue to make progress without creating any new taxes. Fire protection is a major issue in a town like Cave Creek where a fire with all of our brush etc. could be devastating. This is an area where progress has been made in the 23 years I have lived here but it needs to be watched over closely at all times.

Preserving Open Space, creating more trails.

There is currently 4000 + acres of state trust land that is in Cave Creek town limits that we need to take a hard look at to see if we can create a purchase plan before it has to be re-zoned (2029) or if it does get re-zoned and purchased by a developer make sure that they adhere to our town plan & ordinances.

I left Detroit when I was 22 and have lived in Arizona since (1981). I moved to Cave Creek August 1, 2001. Since I moved up to Cave Creek I have seen quite a bit of growth here in the past 23 years and met a lot of people from all walks of life. Right now is an important time in Cave Creek pertaining to growth! The biggest question is how will it be managed?

I feel that I am qualified to help lead the town into the future so we stay unique and that is what separates us from every other city/town in Maricopa County. I understand the need for open space, hiking, horse and mountain biking trails. I support the arts, town events such as biker week, the rodeo etc. Protecting the integrity of our town core as well developing areas like the Carefree Highway corridor properly so Cave Creek will benefit from much needed tax revenues so we continue to have no property taxes as well our new fire department is 100% funded.

Right now our main challenges are water (the limited lifeblood of the desert), proper development-integrity to keep us Cave Creek (such as overturning zoning to accommodate developers and not looking out for the citizens who moved here to escape suburbia), and preserving over 4000 acres of state trust land as open space. Cave Creek has had over 20 years to get this done and now we are at the end of the line as the town has only until 2029 to initiate auction otherwise it will be developed We also need to figure out how to create more parking in the town core for our tourist season and events. These are just some of the many things I will address, support and fight for as your council member if elected.

If you live and vote in Cave Creek I would sincerely appreciate your vote for Cave Creek Town Council on July 30th.

Joe Freedman

Cave Creek