Response to Mayor Morris’ May 1st Letter

In his letter to the editor, Mayor Morris stated that one of his primary goals is to reduce water problems “to their rightful and sleepy place instead of as the forefront of the Town’s issues and challenges.” Cave Creek’s CAP water allocation, currently our sole source of potable water, is scheduled for significant reductions due to drought conditions along the Colorado River. Cave Creek has not invested in augmenting our water supply or in studies to assess our ground water conditions. Water issues must remain a major concern for the future of our Town.

Mayor Morris reported that the new Phoenix Interconnect will appropriately secure our CAP water lifeline. Cost estimates for this project started at $7million, escalated to $23million and are expected to escalate further. An inexpensive alternative that was not considered was a connection with Carefree to backup Cave Creek’s supply with the Scottdale Water System. Mayor Morris also reported that “Cave Creek intentionally did not buy a seat at SRP’s Bartlett Dam table.” The Bartlett Dam Project increases the Dam Height by 100 feet. This would provide water for 345,000 homes per year and can be used to augment CAP water reductions. At a recent presentation on water issues, a CAP Board member, when asked if Cave Creek should join the Bartlett Dam Project, stated, “You would be crazy not to buy a seat at the table.”

The current administration is not investing financial resources in water supply augmentation and has no ground water assessment study underway to determine the condition and future of our aquifer. Let’s make a change on July 30th. Vote Jim Grubb for Mayor.