Fire and medical response

The Town of Cave Creek has had 4 brush fires in the last several weeks. Each was rapidly controlled by 12-20 units responding with massive force.
With the previous emergency system, there would have been 2 immediately responding units instead of 20! That system failed to stop the 2020 Ocotillo fire 2 minutes from the fire station! It burned a thousand acres 12 structures and resulted in a massive evacuation!

How many homes already would have burned down this year without the Cave Creek Fire Department which includes Automatic Aid?? How much irreplaceable Sonoran Desert would have been lost?

All implemented with no property tax and no sales tax increase.

I am an engineer and business executive whose career was based on financial, technical and operational success across the country and world. Compare resumes! Compare the results!

My Mayoral opponent wants to go back to the 2019 budget instead of the budget recently passed 7-0? Let’s be specific on what would be lost:
-Fire and medical response.
-Brush Truck and 2 extra Fire Fighters on patrol in fire season.
-Catching up on paving roads and fixing potholes.
-New walkways and the new lighted crosswalks that are underway.
-Stop the Phoenix Interconnect (passed at Council 7-0) which will soon provide a backup source of treated water to our antiquated and unreliable pipeline?
-Purchase of 30 acres to expand Spur Cross Ranch?

All without new taxes! All with current reserves DOUBLE annual General Fund expenses! All while paying the $66 million debt down to $11 million as of 7/1 and headed to $0 in a few years.

Audited reports prove the Town has the reserves and income to keep streets paved, fires suppressed, residents safe and water reliable. Let’s focus on using our resources responsibility.

The 2025 budget passed unanimously!

Bob Morris,
Mayor, Town of Cave Creek