Cave Creek thoughts

If you look closely, you can still see where people have inhabited this land over centuries.

Scattered pot shards, petroglyphs, and pit-house foundations are visible reminders of those who once also loved this rugged canyon country.
Raising families, living through times of change – life is by epoch, but the same.

Now incorporated, Cave Creek is a place where beauty is measured by sunsets and seasons, and the sounds of Sonoran wilderness, now mix with settlement.

On July 30th, our local governance will be decided – and the men and women who will later decide, impacting every facet of this unique spot.
There are seven seats, but it only takes four votes.

Some thoughts on our present culture, and what would better ensure a sense of community and resident inclusion.
-Remove restrictive barriers to open, transparent government for Town residents. Now.
-Stop Town’s arbitrary limit of three minutes for residents to speak with their Council at public meetings.
-Provide the Council meeting agenda and materials two weeks before Council meeting date, not two days. (Same for Planning & Zoning Commission).
-Delete the ordinance restriction giving sole meeting agenda authority to mayor, denying other council member access. Automatic policy privilege for selected “special interests.”
-Require all Town government meetings, including, subcommittees to be viewable, and recorded. Less Town reliance on “executive sessions” where the public cannot witness animated officials’ discussion.
-Restore that portion of the .05 percent sales tax increase approved by an earlier Council for Town open space preservation. It was created in May, 1999, monies diverted in 2017, for continuing sewer/water subsidies.
-Credibly enforce the Town’s 1990’s native plant protection ordinance.
-Less Council “experts” and more “listeners.” True lifestyle protection is not incremental urbanization.
The public may trust “us” when we trust “them.”

Tom Augherton,
candidate for Town Council, current incumbent