Who do they think they are?

For those of you who may not be aware, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is proposing the United States of America and other countries agree to a treaty that gives the W.H.O. the authority to declare a pandemic and mandate all signatories to obey it’s rules and requirements.

For this to happen in America it requires two thirds of the Senate to agree to the treaty.  Since the experts think this is not likely to happen, Joe Biden is considering signing what amounts to an Executive Order to obligate the United States to this treaty.

Why is he doing this?  Since he is losing in the polls, I believe the Democrats are pinning their hopes on a declaration of a pandemic just before the election so they can once again commit election fraud and prevent any oversight like last time.

The W.H.O. is a globalist organization with a mission to bring America to it’s knees and turn it into another third world country like the other countries that belong to it because they envy us.

America is a sovereign country.  We don’t and shouldn’t give up our freedoms to satisfy these globalist that hate us.  But Joe Biden doesn’t mind selling out America again as long as he can get re-elected.  He has already sold out America to China and Ukraine for financial gain.  In any case, it won’t affect him or the billionaire elitists that would agree to this.

Edward Dougherty
Cave Creek