Carefree resident’s voices ignored

As a Carefree resident, I was shocked after attending Carefree’s recent Planning & Zoning (P&Z) meeting. Discussion centered around the Special Planning Area (SPA) for the NW Corner of Tom Darlington and Carefree Highway (site) On April 9th the Town Council directed the consultant to remove the SPA. During the P&Z, the resident’s comments overwhelmingly supported removing the SPA.

The commissioners in favor of designating the land as a SPA used scare tactics for tax revenue generation. They never addressed why this site is so important vs. the NE corner of the site. The NE corner is already zoned for revenue-generating retail development. “Resort” development appears to be a goal of this group. Residents are concerned about a “resort” given what happened in Carefree with the Hampton Inn.

One suggestion, that was fiercely opposed by some commissioners, was to remove the SPA, with the knowledge that it could be amended. They responded that it could take over 6 months to accomplish, and we could lose a developer. Perhaps that is not a developer that Carefree should be working with. The urgency makes you suspect that there already is a plan, Transparency lacking?

Unfortunately, the commissioners in favor of adding the SPA back to the GP had made up their minds before the meeting. Four commissioners reversed 7 months of input from residents.  Thank you, commissioners, Tom Cross, Karen Dahlman, and Lon Johnson for voting for the removal of the SPA. At least we know you listened to residents. 

We hope the Town Council doesn’t accept the commissioners’ recommendation on June 4th. However, if they do, we will organize and vote down the GP in November. 

Moira Fahey-Ullrich