20% control Carefree

Why are ~20% of the residents controlling Carefree? To wit: most residents opposed the unnecessary $30+M water project that benefits 20%, and yet it was approved. To wit: most residents opposed the character-killing eyesore called the Hampton Inn, and yet it was approved. To wit: most residents opposed any property tax, and yet the town still vigorously pursued one (it was defeated by an 80%-20% margin). And most recently, an overwhelmingly majority of the 350+ residents who took the time to respond to the town’s General Plan survey want the SPA designation removed from the residentially zoned NW corner of Tom Darlington and Carefree Hwy (largely because trust has been understandably lost after the Hampton Inn debacle).

In a last-minute effort to invalidate the express wishes of 350 residents, ninety-one residents (there’s that 20% again) submitted a petition in support of keeping the SPA. The same minority that undoubtedly supported the Hampton Inn, the water project, and the property tax. Blatantly ignoring the wishes of the MAJORITY of the community, four Planning & Zoning Commissioners and three Council members—including Councilman D’Aliesio, who is running for re-election—remain minions of the 20% cabal and support keeping the SPA in the General Plan. The very definition of elitism!

Democracy is defined as government by the people, not government by the elites. The GP is the people’s plan. This egocentric cadre of public officials is striving to turn Carefree into Scottsdale, and that is not why people moved here. Remember the elites who willfully ignore the wishes of the majority and vote them out this July!

Mike Davitt