Rather have it & not need it

Do you carry what you need at all times?

The phrase I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it, is usually used when people are referring to a physical object. Many of the things that I carry on my person, in my vehicle, in my hiking backpack or even have in my home, fall into this category. I don’t use these things on a regular basis but if the situation dictates their use, I have them.

The other area of having it just in case you might need it is knowledge. Even though I am an instructor, I am always a student. A lot of the things I am constantly learning and researching are not things that I use on a daily basis. The majority of my learning falls in that category of having it just in case I need it.

For example, my knowledge of firearms and of the art of self-defense shooting, falls into that category of having those skills in case I need it. Yes, once those skills are learned then many physical objects are needed to complete my readiness, i.e., firearm, magazines, ammo etc. It is important to understand that knowledge outweighs the tools. A firearm is just a tool, I can’t do anything with it unless I have the proper knowledge to know when and how to use it, or when not to.

The other area that I spend a lot of time learning is emergency medical. I have a medical background but I’m still a student and am constantly increasing my knowledge and routinely training with my medical equipment. I don’t plan on interviewing for a medical position, but rather have the knowledge and equipment just in case. The equipment consists of IFAK’s, (Individual First Aid Kit) so I can help myself if needed, and larger emergency medical kits so I can help others. I have several and they are located in areas where I spend a lot of time. Vehicles, home, or on my person.

Those are two obvious categories of “rather have it than not need it, then need it and not have it.” A big part of those two categories that people tend to omit is the training aspect of it. Anything I carry is not useful to me unless I train with it on a regular basis and that I create a muscle memory needed to use those tools under stress. If I can’t place a tourniquet on my left upper leg while losing major amounts of blood and in extreme pain, then why carry a tourniquet? If I’m fighting for my life and I squeeze the trigger on my firearm and the gun goes click instead of bang and I can’t instinctively and quickly fix it (class 1 malfunction) then I’m setting myself up for failure.

There are so many examples of “having it” in case you need it. If you can picture yourself in your vehicle broken down on a deserted road, your first priority will be attempting to contact someone for help. That doesn’t work, bad cellular reception. Next you might start running through your head about all the things you wish you had. I can’t even begin to tell you how many emergency mylar thermal blankets I have. I already mentioned medical kits and the location of those.

In the above scenario a satellite phone would be great, and expensive, however what are some other options? GMRS radio, HAM radio, Bevy Stick? To be as prepared as possible you have to think outside the box.

I challenge you to do that. Think of an activity that you do on a regular basis and ask yourself, are you as prepared as you can be? From driving, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding or whatever it may be, do take some gear with you that will help you just in case that unthinkable scenario becomes reality?
Also, when you get that gear that will assist you or someone else survive, get trained, stay trained and never stop training.

If you would like a free 72-hour preparedness kit checklist, send us an email, or give us a call.

Oz Johnson/Lead Instructor, NRA Certified
Karin Johnson/Operations Manager
[email protected]