Cave Creek – On Saturday, February 24, 2024, American Legion Post 34 hosted a Welcome Home Celebration event for its veterans and unveiled a commemorative monument created by the organization’s auxiliary.

According to Sandy Cuttino, Post 34 auxiliary president, the project to commission the monument came to life in early 2023 with the full support of auxiliary membership and Post 34 leadership.
“Working closely with Boulder Designs, the monument was constructed to serve as a permanent tribute to our veterans,” says Cuttino. “Words cannot express how thankful we are for each and every one of them. We owe our freedom and the right to live peacefully in the greatest country in the world to their commitment and sacrifices. It is an honor to dedicate this monument to them, on behalf of the auxiliary membership, as a Welcome Home and sign of our gratitude.”
Army veteran Ray Held says Legion Post 34’s auxiliary loves its veterans.
“This auxiliary did a wonderful job creating the new monument,” says Held. “There aren’t enough words we can say to thank them. It is important because this monument reaches out to all branches of the service.”
Judy Coon, an Air Force veteran and member of Legion Post 34’s auxiliary, says it is a wonderful tribute for our town to see.
“The monument is beautiful and is a reminder to our town’s residents and all who come to visit the Legion and Cave Creek of the sacrifices veterans have made for their freedom,” says Coon.
Marine veteran Bob Jenkins says the monument’s placement truly exemplifies what American Legion Post 34 is really all about.
“Some people say they didn’t know the American Legion is in Cave Creek, however this new monument shows that this is our home and we’re proud of it,” says Jenkins. “I think the monument is amazing. I was completely blown away when I saw it.”
The stone monument, created in the shape of the State Arizona, reads: Salute to Veterans, Welcome Home. The auxiliary presented the gift to Post 34 Frank W. Wright.
American Legion Post 34 is located at 6272 E. Cave Creek Road in Cave Creek, Ariz. The American Legion, formed in 1919, supports and advocates on behalf of veterans, active military and their families. The 501(c)(19) also supports the initiatives and programs of the American Legion while fostering patriotism and responsible citizenship.