On Saturday, March 23, from 2-4 PM, Cave Creek Museum will host “Black Mountain: A Study in Black & White.”

According to Evelyn Johnson, the museum’s executive director, popular guest speaker and museum member Stephanie Bradley will give an overview of the geology of the Desert Foothills. If the boulders at The Boulders aren’t really boulders, what are they? Why is Black Mountain black? And why do saguaros mostly grow on the west slope? What kind of precious minerals lurk under the earth that drove prospectors to our region? Bradley will bring ancient geology to life in the museum’s historic church.
Reservations are required as this has been a standing room only event for the past five years. Members are free and non-members can enjoy the program for a $10 admission ticket. Register at cavecreekmuseum.org.
No culture passes.
Aviation training offered
Cave Creek Museum will host aviation training for area students in partnership with Skyward Youth, an aviation and aerospace academy.
According to Evelyn Johnson, Cave Creek Museum executive director, the training will be focused on two age groups: fifth to eighth graders and students 14 years plus.

“Students in our community will have the opportunity to learn about aviation, simulators and guider flights as well as initial pilot preparation,” says Johnson. “The two exciting programs will help students understand many aspects of aviation, including available careers, and even learn how to fly a glider. Kiwanis Club of Carefree supports this wonderful partnership. And, scholarships will be available.”
Skyward Youth Aviation and Aerospace Academy, a Scottsdale, Ariz.-based business, is filled with professionals who have a passion for flight, aviation and aerospace.
The class schedules are as follows:
• Aviation 101: Students are immersed in the study of flight and learn about aviation using science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)-based instruction and state-of-the-art simulators. Each class is divided into classroom instruction and hands-on flight simulator practice. Ages fifth to eighth grade. Classes from 3:30 to 5:00 PM
• Initial Pilot Prep: This program prepares students for pre-solo knowledge exams and they take a FAA private pilot practice knowledge test. Pilot Prep and ground school sessions adhere to the ASA Private Pilot Test Prep handbook while incorporating the use of flight simulators. Ages ninth to twelfth grade. Classes from 5:15-6:45 PM
April 5 TIME: First class. Students and parents meet at 15170 N. Hayden Road, Suite 4, in Scottsdale, Ariz., 85260 (Aerial Engagement), which is Skyward Youth’s headquarters, to learn how the workshop training will take place and what children will learn. The times are 3:30 PM for Aviation 101 students and 5:15 PM for students registered for Initial Pilot Prep classes
April 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23: Classes take place at Cave Creek Museum
April 5, 12, 19: Classes take place at Aerial Engagement, Scottsdale
Demonstration: Guider flight for students at Superior Municipal Airport in Superior, Ariz.
Register for the training at Cave Creek Museum at: [email protected]. For more information, call: 480.605.1988. This program is made possible through the kind generosity of Kiwanis Club of Carefree.
“German Prisoners of War in Arizona”
On Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 2-4 PM, Cave Creek Museum will host “The POWs of Papago Butte.”

Although his “day job” is chief archivist at the celebrated Huhugam Ki Museum at the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, author Steve Hoza has long been fascinated by the history of the German prisoner-of-war camps that were established across the State of Arizona. One was sprawled at the base of the Papago Buttes. From 1944 through the end of the war, that particular encampment housed 31,000 POWs and was even the site of a “Great Escape,” when 24 of the prisoners tunneled out of the fenced camp; most were promptly recaptured. Hoza spent years interviewing former .OWs, the American soldiers who guarded them, and the citizens who lived nearby. In their own words and with dozens of historic photos, Hoza will share the story of the Arizona POW camps.
Members are free and non-members can enjoy the program for a $10 and enjoy an all-day museum pass. Register at cavecreekmuseum.org. No discounts or culture passes will be honored.
The 53-year-old museum’s mission is to preserve the artifacts of the prehistory, history, culture and legacy of the Cave Creek Mining District and the Cave Creek/Carefree foothills area through education, research, and interpretive exhibits. The Cave Creek Museum is located at 6140 E. Skyline Drive in Cave Creek, Ariz., 480.488.2764. Open October through May.