Cave Creek End of Year 2023 Report

It is clear to me that the wheels of Government move slowly! It is also clear to me that persistence pays off.

My efforts to introduce and push preservation efforts have shown results. Staff from the State Historic Preservation Office offered praise for our work and support for ongoing efforts. We have Local Landmarks scattered across Town and more scheduled for the coming year. Local Landmarks as a program have by resolution been moved to the Museum. The Museum will administer the selection of the Landmarks, create a standard system for soliciting Landmark candidates, awarding the honor, and following up with documentation and inclusion into our Landmarks Trail Map.

We have a useful Strategic plan! After our initial failure of strategic planning, and a “strategic NO” vote on budget, we struggled through attaching our budget development to the tatters of the initial proposal. Not everyone was happy!

Consulting with a Strategic Plan development firm {who is led by current and practical members of city leadership here in the valley), we have developed a plan for moving forward. The Strategic Plan is available online and shows what our residents value and how those values translate into actions, and how those actions will be funded. The plan honors our Town’s history, considers staffing loads, and supports projects like our water interconnect and fire services system that are well underway. Our intent is to initiate a phased review and much needed realignment of our Town Ordinances.

We continue to struggle with the issues of traffic, speeding, and parking. The issues are real, and the solutions don’t make anyone happy. We have selected a starting point considering basic safety for pedestrians. There will be completion of the “sidewalk Trail system” and the addition of lighted crossing signals in three places on Cave Creek Road.

I will always listen with respect to the voiced opinions on controversial issues. I also will take special notice of suggested solutions that are voiced in respectful ways. Please take time to ask questions. Basic information is willingly shared! Social Media blathering is just that.

The Planning Commission and the Town Council are working on a revised Town Core Plan. Residents are asked to offer their thoughts at public meetings. The revised Town Core Plan must serve us through the growth and change that will occur during the next ten years. Please comment.

Your current Council is well underway with a search consultant as we are seeking a Town manager. Our Town is maturing and having the right people in key positions is an essential element for preserving our smart “small town” atmosphere sustainably.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and I am always available for your questions and comments.

Paul Eelkema

Cave Creek Councilman