On Monday 11/13/23, The Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation was honored to present grants totaling nearly
$100,000 to 57 deserving educators at all 7 Cave Creek Unified School District sites.
Schools that receive these awards include:
● Desert Willow Elementary School
● Lone Mountain Elementary School
● Horseshoe Trails Elementary School
● Desert Sun Academy
● Black Mountain Elementary School
● Sonoran Trails Middle School
● Cactus Shadows High School

In 2009, the Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation launched as a 501(c)3 with the mission to support programs for learning in all CCUSD schools and to establish a partnership between the educational community and local businesses.
The Foundation has awarded more than $295,000 in grants over the last 11 years. The grants are applied to purchasing materials that fall into one of the four pillars that CCUEF supports including resources, International Learning, Music and the Arts, and Health & Wellness.
“This was the biggest Grant the District event yet,” said Jessica Spencer, President, Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation. “We were honored to award more grants and reaching more classrooms than ever this year. The joy this day brings to our CCUSD campuses, the students and educators, is unparalleled! By delivering $100,000 in grants, our deserving teachers will have the ability to bring resources into their classrooms that may otherwise be paid out of their own pockets. We love being able to enhance the student experience in our classrooms and spark wonder through our Grant the District program!”
Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation board members, CCUSD Administrators, and students from the Cactus Shadows High School Falcon Foundation traveled by school bus to each of the 7 CCUSD schools on the morning of November 13th, 2023 to deliver the awards to the 57 grant winners. Each school rolled out the red carpet to welcome the group and grants were delivered to recipients in the form of a giant check, balloons, flowers, and many cheering CCUSD students!
About the Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation
The Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation is a registered Arizona non-profit foundation that supports the mission of the Cave Creek Unified School District (CCUSD). The Foundation is led by a partnership of parents and community members. Our donors make possible the foundation’s mission to support programs for learning in all of our schools. We are committed to maintaining Excelling Schools within the CCUSD. To learn more, visit www.ccuef.org .