Brunch is truly the perfect name for this cheery, fresh and bright coffee shop! We have been trying to get into this bustling new place in town, and finally we arrive. This is one heck of a brunch place. Good vibes. The Cowboy Pizza place next door could be a cover. Same owner.
We are greeted by staff in t-shirts which say “Friends with Benedicts”. After thinking this over, we eagerly shuffle to our high-top table by the window.
This is Binks Restaurant reincarnated, and therefore we are concerned about the size of the food. We wonder if it will be dime-sized as in days of old. Happily, however, we find the Brunch Menu items are size 11 rather than a dime. Jim has chicken and waffles (huge!) with syrup and gravy and blackberries and butter.
Don has two pancakes with no powdered sugar or whipped cream, but lots of butter and syrup.
The strong drip coffee is perfect, and served by Kaitlyn, who points out their save-the-earth effort: a pink neon sign which reads “Save Water, Drink Champagne”.
After reviewing the first Republican debate over our coffee, we discuss whether or not we think all coffee shops (or brunch places) should have an espresso machine (one of our earlier assumptions). Don wants to continue our supposedly hard-and-fast rule that they should have one (which could be part of some OCD issue he has), but today he is going for it. We ask Kaitlin if there was a machine on the Brunch premises, and surprisingly she says there is, but nobody knows how to work it – except maybe one of the servers who used to work at Starbucks. We bring this up to the owner, who stops by to say hello (she’s very engaging, with a great smile).
She says mañana. Regardless, this drip coffee is excellent. We will be back to investigate the “Benedict” reference while drinking an “Arnold” Palmer cocktail.
Remember Coffee v. Tea is ongoing. We are worried that the younger generations (millennials and gen-Z-ers) are leaning toward tea. (We have no evidence for this.) We will be at the English Tea Room soon to investigate.
If you have comments or insights, please contact The CUP at
Thanks, Jim and Don.