“Most small Towns are not so fortunate to have a locally focused Paper!
Thanks for being part of the glue that holds together… and accountable!
Attached are comments and reflections on the second quarter of my first year as a Councilman. I appreciate your willingness to share this with the community:”
A Tale of Two Stories, and an opportunity still exists…
The Cave Creek General Plan states, (page 21 last paragraph) “Maintaining the character of Cave Creek in the next ten years will take a determined effort by the elected leadership, the Commission and Boards, the Town staff and most importantly the residents.”
On June 27 Mayor Morris shared with the community an accounting of the Cave Creek Town Budget. His accounting of our activity describes the budget and the projected paths of expense. In the 23-24 budget the Town staff got everything they asked for because the budget basis was a simple roll over with a few small additions.
In summary the Town budget is big but sound. The infrastructure elements started are funded toward completion, and we have a fire department to finish.
We won’t spend beyond the budget, and there is ample money in reserve.
Here is important additional information:
During the last election almost all of those running campaigned on “preserving the Town” and keeping the “small Town feeling” that exists.
Three new voices were elected, and those new voices remain strong advocates for actively preserving the history, the character, and the low density of Cave Creek. I am one of those voices and I am a fiscal conservative, an experienced preservation leader, and a persistent advocate for our “small town” character.
In January the Town staff and Council spent two days with an outside consultant developing a strategic Plan, it included important steps toward preservation. Steps like reviewing and sharpening our Ordinances, using surveys to measure efficacy of our governance, and assessing the citizens satisfaction with where the Town is headed. These actions were designed to guide the building of the budget.
This Strategic Plan was never prioritized. The roll over budget led by the manager only touched on unprioritized Strategic Plan elements obliquely. The good staff got everything they asked for including a raise. Ordinance review doesn’t have a design or start date.
Three new voices on Council do not represent a majority. I understand that. I also know that campaign promises were made, the Strategic Plan remains unprioritized, and the General Plan is designed to guide our activities on the citizens’ behalf.
My colleagues on Council are smart people. The mayor promised teamwork, but evidence of our active suggestions to adjust action and funding toward preservation are in short supply in our Cave Creek budget. It is time to open the council agenda to contributions from the council members. Guidelines are in the General Plan.
There is an opportunity for all of us to define and advocate for “preserving “the character of Cave Creek.
Teamwork describes a “determined effort by leadership to work together.” Please insist that your Council persons hear all voices and consider the ideas being shared. In the end, always vote as you wish, but do so having really listened and contributed your thoughts to the process.
Remember that this report is a “determined effort” from your Councilman and the statements are my opinions, others may differ.
Thanks for any response [email protected]
Paul Eelkema
Cave Creek