Reliance on sales tax revenue to provide the vital services Carefree residents rely upon comes with a price. That price is the relentless push for sales tax generating development and the promotion of events that draw visitors to our town.
If you value open space and unspoiled desert vistas, fondly remember a slower pace in Carefree, would rather not have the noise and traffic of a resort or retail development in your backyard, or another storage facility dotting the landscape, then you might want to reevaluate your opposition to a modest primary property tax to help fund emergency services.
There is no free lunch. Many of you pay an HOA fee for the services you want in your neighborhood. The services, that Carefree’s sales tax revenue pays for, are services most Carefree residents want. Why are we relying on visitors and folks who shop in Carefree to fund them? A free lunch? Maybe, or is it?
Lisa Rinde