AA is government

CAREFREE PROPERTY TAX“Automatic Aid” (AA) is on the table at a cost of $1,000,000 MORE than the Town has the budget to cover. For 38 years past Council has managed the budget with an estimated $16M Reserves. Sales tax precluded a need for an additional ‘town’ property tax.

We currently pay a Maricopa ‘County’ property tax and a sales tax of 9.3%. More businesses were added to the Town to increase the sales tax coffers, e.g., Bashas, Civana Resort, Lowe’s, CVS, and most recently, the Hampton Inn–all with the intent to “Keep Carefree TAX-Free!”
• AA is central valley dispatched and not be available to help OUR residents.
• Currently we have a Fire Dept. with personnel DEDICATED to US–they NEVER leave us without coverage—firemen, paramedic and EMT members!
• Carefree has experienced “ONE” major fire in the last ten (10) years with 80-90% of calls for “MEDICAL” assistance.
• There are still major areas zoned “commercial” in Carefree yet to be developed and assist in staving off a future property tax.
• We have a contract currently with Rural Metro for another 2.5 years. With inflation and food costs escalating, we have time to review the situation while enjoying a high level of service by RuralMetro.
• Remember, you are voting not only for yourself, but for future generations! Frankly, what are the chances a TAX ever stays the same or decreases?
• As usual, it’s all POLITICS–with AA targeting Carefree because of its high-dollar valued property. Let’s not open the door and become California or Connecticut!

AA is a ‘government’ organization–that brings to mind the famous quote: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”


D. Melissa Price
FormerVice Mayor